Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Its a procrastinated work in progress

Sorry to no one who is reading/following this blog. I have to fill it in asap. its a project. One of many ive started (may 2010) and never completed or kept up with. I like learning and doing things....not so keen on completing things.
Jenab's Scrap book
Ava's wall pictures
Ava's scrap book
Ava's picture book
Ava and Jenab's sister book <---yeah lots of ideas....
Decorating the apt (whats the point were moving now in 6 months been here 3 years?)
Wedding album (married nearly 4 years and still no album)
Dress cleaning (speaking of wedding still havnt dry cleaned my dress!)
There are so many like cleaning out my 'important file box' which has spilled over into many unused hand bags...smh

Alas, i will begin posting each week (hopefully) and begin with our story from the beginning. I like to start a story from the top. Hate movies that enter you in the middle leaving you all confused like what? where? who?. None of that here. We begin at day one: How Adama (yes, AdamA) and I met!